Library Photos 

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Local and Regional Task Force conversation about
racism at the Illif Theological Seminary in Denver
Participants at the Local and Regional Task Force Meeting in Denver (2007)
Participants at the Coordinating Council meeting in Denver - 2007
Service of installation of new director of CUIC, Patrice L. Rosner (2006)
  2007 Celebration of Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity at Eden Theological Seminary

United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ vote to become members of CUIC, July 16, 2001

United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ vote to become members of CUIC, July 16, 2001

CUIC worship at Christ Church Cathedral

Opening Plenary with keynoter

Opening Worship

Opening Worship


Racial Justice Consultation attendees join in praise

Racial Justice Consultation Keynote speaker--Bishop Steven Charleston

Racial Justice consultation plenary in March, 2004 at the ELCA headquarters in Chicago

Rev. Dr. Wood preaches at CUIC ecumenical worship service at Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis

work group

work group

work group

Members of the Coordinating Council and Ecumenical Officers celebrate the eucharists at Christ Episcopal Church in Indiana

Members of the CUIC Local and Regional Ecumenism Task Force celebrate the Eucharist at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary


Racial Justice Consultation work group discussion


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