Suggestions and Ideas for Implementing
Churches Uniting in Christ
Ministerial Activities
- Pulpit Exchange
- Invite a member of a neighboring CUIC congregation to serve on a board or committee of your church.
- Call a minister from another CUiC church.
- Create a ministers' association or support group.
- Celebrate regional meetings for pastors of CUiC churches. The purpose of these meetings is fellowship, networking, and to encourage common mission work and activities in general.
Opportunities for learning and growth
- Teach about the other churches in your own education programs.
- Invite a member of one of the other churches to teach about his/her tradition. This could happen in a local church (bible study, Sunday school) or at regional denominational meetings (workshops).
- Invite other churches to participate in regional conferences or educational activities.
- National Day of Prayer
- Vesper service
- Pray for nearby CUIC congregations by name
- Meet to pray for the leaders in your community; invite the leaders (Breakfast Prayer Meeting, etc)
Worship Together
- Include representatives of neighboring CUIC congregations in your baptisms, ordinations and installations.
- Celebrate the Lord's Supper with other CUIC congregations in your area.
- Invite other churches' choir or praise band.
- Invite representatives to regional meetings (presbytery, synods, boards, etc)
- Celebrate a joint Easter or Christmas service.
- Encourage churches to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. During this week churches may celebrate CUiC and other unity related activities.
- Raise Funds for local Social Ministry
- Develop joint support groups (Single parents, single, divorced people, etc).
- Participate in joint mission trips
Celebration of Holy days
- Celebrate with a community party or picnic on a holyday.
- Celebrate a community activity on Christmas day.
Exchange of News and Activities
- Include special activities in the other churches' bulletins.
- Send someone to other CUiC churches to announce special activities.
- With the help of volunteers, the churches within a community can develop a web-based CUiC announcement board.
- Place the CUiC logo on the church letterhead and on the church sign or marquee.
- Undertake mission projects with CUIC partners on a regular basis, especially projects aimed at overcoming racism.
- Celebrate the Dr. Martin Luther King National Holiday.
- Invite a church of another race to celebrate a special prayer, worship, or social activity.
- Organize shared youth retreats.Merge youth groups (where groups are small).Celebrate a Youth Rally or similar gathering.Promote participation in a national youth activity.
- Encourage youth (in local congregation or in a region) to create skits or a drama to promote CUiC and church unity in general. They can make presentations in denominational meetings